
We will help you find what you are looking for. In the Czech Republic and abroad. On the website, in pictures, videos and documents.

On these pages you can find information on our web crawler called SeznamBot as well as other robots run by and on the way you can control their behavior. Our web crawler behaves in a similar way as those of other search engines such as Google or Bing and we do our best to keep it from overloading your site. Still, if you find the traffic due to our crawler overloading your servers, we recommend setting up a rule in the file robots.txt to limit the request rate.

Although you can disallow SeznamBot to crawl and index your site, we kindly ask you not to do so, as our users would not be able to see your web pages in the search results. Please consider whitelisting IP addresses of our web crawler.

Adding a page to the search

Availability check

Blog of the Search team

The number of active recipients of the service

The number of active recipients of the service under Article 24 of the Digital Services Regulation as of 31. 7. 2024 is 3 831 004.