I. Preamble
- The Operator of the Seznam service without targeted advertisement (hereinafter the “Service”) is Seznam.cz, a.s., having its registered office at: Prague 5 – Smíchov, Radlická 3294/10, Postcode: 150 00, Company ID No.: 26168685, registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, file ref. no. B 6493 (hereinafter the “Operator”).
- The Operator’s contact details are available on the website (URL): https://o.seznam.cz/kontakty.
- The provision and use of the Service shall be governed by these Terms of Seznam Service without Advertisement (hereinafter the “Terms”) and by applicable and effective legal regulations of the Czech Republic.
- Through the Service, the User will be shown the content of the Operator’s services without advertising, in the manner and to the extent set out in these Terms.
- The User refers to a registered user of a Seznam.cz account (hereinafter the “User”). Registration for a Seznam.cz account shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions for Registration of Users of the Services provided by Seznam.cz, which are available on the website (URL): https://napoveda.seznam.cz/cz/smluvni-podminky/podminky-registrace/.
II. Service Description
- The Service enables the display of the content and use of the Operator’s services without advertising in the form of banners, video advertising and audio advertising, which is not part of the audio track, with the exceptions specified on the website (URL): https://napoveda.seznam.cz/cz/login/produkt-seznam-bez-reklam/, subject to payment of the price determined in accordance with Article III hereof.
- The Service enables the display of the content and use of the Operator’s services without advertising in the form of banners, video advertising and audio advertising, which is not part of the audio track, with the exceptions specified on the website (URL): https://napoveda.seznam.cz/cz/login/produkt-seznam-bez-reklam/, subject to payment of the price determined in accordance with Article III hereof.
- The Service is available on the following Operator’s websites: https://email.seznam.cz,https://www.firmy.cz, https://www.garaz.cz, https://www.horoskopy.cz, https://mapy.cz, https://www.novinky.cz, https://pocasi.seznam.cz, https://podcasty.seznam.cz, https://www.prozeny.cz, https://www.sauto.cz, https://sdovolena.seznam.cz, https://medium.seznam.cz, https://www.seznamzpravy.cz, https://www.seznam.cz, https://slovnik.seznam.cz, https://www.sport.cz, https://www.sreality.cz, https://www.stream.cz, https://www.super.cz, https://www.televizeseznam.cz, https://tv.seznam.cz, https://www.volnamista.cz, https://clanky.seznam.cz and https://www.zbozi.cz.
- By purchasing the Service, the User’s full disagreement with the storage of non-technical cookies and the related processing of personal data and their transfer to third parties and advertising partner systems is set and stored within User’s account until the User makes a different choice and changes his settings. With the exception of the storage of cookies necessary for the launch and functioning of the Operator’s services (so-called technical cookies), the storage of information about the User in the form of cookies and other unique identifiers for other purposes is deactivated by default. However, the User can enable the storage of cookies for other purposes, in particular for the purposes of content personalisation, as required in the interface via the Personalisation settings button.
- If the User agrees with the use of unique identifiers that allow User’s identification (e.g. cookies, IP address, e-mail, phone number) and tracking Operator’s technologies in the defined scope, the content of the Operator’s services with targeted advertising will be displayed to the User under the conditions specified in the Privacy Policy, located on the Operator’s website in the Data Protection section, where detailed information about which cookies are used and for which purposes. This is without prejudice to the paid or unpaid character of each specific Operator’s service.
- The service is optimized primarily for use on the Operator’s website, but it is also functional in the Operator’s mobile applications.
III. Price of the Service
- The price of the Service is indicated within the Personalization Settings interface through which the User orders the Service, and its current amount is also available to the User within the Seznam.cz account.
- Payment for the Service can be made through the designated payment gateway. Payment for the Service shall be made in the form of a subscription with automatic extension (hereinafter the “Subscription”). Payment for the Service allows the User to access the content without advertisement for a period of time determined by the Operator with respect to the time that is prepaid by the User.
- The Subscription period is one month. User can also choose an annual Subscription.
- The Subscription is active from the moment the User orders and pays for the Service and ends at the end of the Subscription period.
- If the User selects the Subscription option, after the Subscription expires, it is automatically extended by the same period of time for which the Subscription was ordered, even repeatedly. By accepting these Terms, the User agrees to the automatic extension and payment of Subscription fees.
- The Subscription can be cancelled at any time via User’s account no later than 24 hours before automatic extension.
- If the User terminates the use of the Service before the expiry of the period for which the Subscription was purchased, the User is entitled to use the Service until the end of the Subscription period and the Operator does not refund the Subscription already paid.
- After the payment of the Subscription and within each Subscription extension, information about the payment made will be available to the User in the User’s account, which will also include information regarding the download of the tax document or simplified tax document issued by the Operator on the date of receipt of the Subscription.
- The Operator is entitled not to provide the Service if the Subscription fee has not been paid.
- The Operator is not responsible for the availability of payment methods on all platforms and devices. The payment service provider is solely responsible for the course of the transactions. The availability of individual payment methods may vary depending on the type of device and platform from which the User accesses the payment method.
- The Operator is entitled to provide the Service free of charge for a limited period of time, due to the possibility for the User to appropriately test and try out the Service and its functionalities for a specified period of time (hereinafter the “Trial Service”). The Trial Service is intended for all Users who subscribe to the Service for the first time and lasts for 14 days from the date of purchase of the Subscription. The Operator may terminate the provision of the Trial Service at any time.
- The Trial Service is provided free of charge. The Trial Service is activated in the same way as the Service, i.e. by payment through a payment gateway, with the difference that the User is charged CZK 0.00. After the expiration of the Trial Service, the User continues to use the Service, but the Subscription price is already applied.
- Each natural person may use the Trial Service only once when first setting up the Service. The Operator is entitled to restrict the use of the Trial Service, e.g. by checking the telephone number or credit card number or by other means, in order to prevent misuse of the Service.
- If the Service is offered to the User by the Operator to use on discounted terms (hereinafter the “Promotional Subscription”), the terms of the Promotional Subscription shall apply exclusively for the period specified by the Operator. If the User wishes to continue using the Service after the expiry of the Promotional Subscription, the Subscription price is applied.
IV. Terms of Use of the Service
- The Service can be used exclusively after the User has logged into the Seznam.cz account (i.e. the Service cannot be provided to a User who has not logged in), after the consent to these Terms and the payment of the Subscription.
- It is not possible to transfer the provision of the Service onto another person or another (different) account of the User, i.e. for each additional account of the User it is necessary to conclude a contract for the Service and pay the Subscription separately.
- Use of the Service is not limited in terms of geography.
- The User is not entitled to share the use of the Service or access to the Service with other persons. The Operator reserves the right to terminate the provision of the Service if it becomes aware that the Service is being used by more than one individual.
- The Operator is also entitled to limit the provision of the Service for a strictly necessary period of time due to planned and previously announced hardware or software maintenance of the infrastructure. In such an event, the User shall not be entitled to a refund of the pro rata portion of the Subscription.
- The Operator:
- shall not be held liable for the non-functionality of the Service or for its failure if these are caused by the User’s hardware or software equipment or the quality of the User’s Internet connection;
- shall not be held liable for the non-functionality of the Service or for its failure, if these are caused by the User’s software based on advertising restriction services (e.g. adblock or other similar services);
- shall not be held liable for the non-functionality of the Service or for its failure, if these are caused by the failure or malfunction of the public electronic communications network enabling Internet connection;
- shall not be held liable to the Service User for any damage or harm caused by failure to provide or non-functionality of the Service, or caused by an internet attack such as: trojan, malware, spyware, adware, phishing, etc.
- The Operator is entitled to interrupt or terminate the provision of the Service at any time. If the User cancels his/her Seznam.cz account with which he/she has subscribed to the Service or the Trial Service, User acknowledges that the Service or the Trial Service will be deleted at the time of deletion and can no longer be used. The User is not entitled to a refund of the Subscription or its pro rata portion.
- Promotion of the content of the Operator and other entities related to the Operator in terms of property shall not be considered advertisement within the meaning of these Terms hereof.
V. Final Provisions
- Disputes arising from the provision and use of the Service shall be decided by Czech courts. If the User is a consumer, he/she is entitled to contact the Czech Trade Inspection Authority for the purpose of resolving such disputes.
- By ordering the Service by clicking on the relevant button in the Personalization Settings interface and at the same time paying the Subscription, the User enters into a fee-based contract for the provision of the Service for the duration of the Subscription, which may be terminated in the ways set out in these Terms. The User agrees to this contract conclusion method (i.e. using remote means of communication). Section 1740, paragraph 3 of the Civil Code shall not apply. With regard to the provided content of the Service, the use of the Service shall be started by activating the Subscription; for this reason, the User shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract concluded in a remote manner within 14 days in accordance with Section 1837 of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.
- The Operator is entitled to unilaterally change the Terms and the Subscription to a reasonable extent. Changes shall be notified to the User via Service interface, at least 7 days before the change takes effect. The User is entitled to reject the changes and to terminate the use of the Service by making a relevant settings change within the User’s account. In the event of termination of the Service, the use of the Service will be terminated in accordance with paragraph 18 hereof and the User shall be entitled to use the Service until the end of the paid Subscription period, provided the User understands and acknowledges that the Operator does not refund the paid Subscription. If the User does not perform an action aimed at terminating the provision of the Service or the User continues to use the Service, the User shall be deemed to have accepted the change to the Terms or the Subscription.
- These Terms are valid and effective from 11.02.2025.